Revamped Uldaman dungeon: There’s also a new level 60 dungeon to queue for: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr. These drops aren’t guaranteed, so you’ll may need to get a few kills of each boss to earn one. However, if you kill all four bosses you’ll get drops that can be combined into the Unstable Elemental Confluence heirloom trinket. There’s a single toy to purchase - Bag of Furious Winds - but other than that there’s cnot much else to spend the new currency on. One-handed weapons cost an additional 25 Essences, while two-handed weapons cost 45 Essences. Each piece of gear costs between 25 and 45 Essences, and you’ll need 315 Essences to buy a complete armor set to complete each transmog ensemble. That’s a good start for gearing up your new alts, but it has a unique transmog look even if you don’t need the gear. New catchup gear and loot: Your newly-earned Primeval Essences are mainly for buying catchup gear - armor, weapons, and jewelry - at ilevel 252. The currency is account-bound, so you can collect it on any character and then use it to gear up alts or collect event-specific transmog looks. Primeval Essence event currency: You’ll collect this by doing Primal Storm invasions: the Primal Storm bosses drop 15-20 Primeval Essences, and ordinary Primalist mobs drop 3-5 each. Killing each boss rewards a feat of strength: Against the Elements. Once the bar reaches zero - this is a group effort by all players in the zone, not just you - the elemental boss will be attackable (you’ll see its location on the map). When these invasions are up and you enter the zone, a progress bar called Elemental Protection pops up, letting you know just how many elementals are left to battle. On the map, you’ll see zones marked by a glowing diamond where there’s a Primalist Invasion, and each one respawns 30 minutes after the boss is defeated. Primal Storm invasion events: There are four elemental bosses (along with their minions) to defeat throughout Azeroth, in Northern Barrens, Tirisfal Glades, the Badlands, and Un’Goro Crater - the bosses spawn randomly in the four zones, so you don’t know which one will be up until it’s up. Then the Elemental Storms and the bosses kick in. For Alliance players, the quest starts in Stormwind and sends them to the Badlands. For Horde players, the quest starts in Orgrimmar and sends them to Un’Goro. What does the Primal Storms pre-expansion event include?Ī new quest chain: This quest sends players out into the world to chase down the Elemental Storm invasions. Here’s what we know about the Primal Storms event so far. So let’s look at what the pre-expansion event has to offer. In this second phase of the Dragonflight pre-patch, we have new quests, invasions with elemental bosses, a revamped dungeon, and catchup gear you can buy with a new event-specific currency. Your donations will help us travel to all the Blizzard events we attend year-round to bring you the latest interview with the developers, photos, and panel videos (where allowed).WoW’s Dragonflight Primal Storms pre-expansion event is now live! Though we’re still a couple of weeks away from Dragonflight launch day on November 28, the pre-patch event gives us a lot to do - even if you aren’t spending the day customizing and leveling a new Dracthyr.

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I have interviewed book writers and Blizzard game developers. I post news about World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo III, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard Careers, and the Warcraft film.īlizzplanet is a leading fansite covering news about upcoming Blizzard Entertainment licensed products.